Jul 30, 2013 | Written by Patricia Murphy

Denmark Day 6

We had our quiet day. So that makes it time to live it up. On Day 6 in Denmark, that’s just what we did. First we drove to the nearest Fjord and hopped a ferry. This was a big thrill, and we got to watch lots of sailboats pass by. The weather was perfect and the sky was clear. From there we drove to Ole’s mom’s house where she served us a traditional Danish lunch. After lunch the kids played at Grandma’s house while the grown-ups headed to town and visited a wonderful art co-op in the town where Ole went to high school. John and I bought a print there and are very happy to have it in our home. From there we drove to the king’s marker–used to designate the king’s hunting ground. We took some pics THEN picked some fresh cherries off the tree. Next we headed to the farm where Ole grew up. It was such a treat to see his childhood home and to tour the modern facilities, where they package the fresh vegetables for restaurant use and sale in stores. We got to walk out into the fields and pick some carrots. From there, the Sorensen’s went to Ole’s sister’s house, while John and I went to Dragsholm Slot for a gourmet meal. First we toured the grounds and the castle. It’s a gorgeous structure that would make a great place for a small gathering (Kathryn suggested our wedding!?!). The meal was delicious and so much fun. After we ate we drove back to the house in time to watch our 6th Danish Sunset.





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